Mediterranean Iconic Shores- July 28, 2024

That’s great! Glad to know there’s some other Aussies onboard. We’re doing the pre-cruise extension too. We live in Gippsland,Victoria and this is our first cruise. We’re in our 50’s and are eagerly counting down the days until we leave!
Hi Jodie. It’s our first cruise too and I get the feeling we may not be the only Aussies on board. We live at Anglesea on Victoria’s surfcoast and we’re doing the post cruise extension to the Italian lakes and then having a few days in Milan on our own. Also very excited. Before the cruise we’re having a week in Spain. How are you feeling about the weather and the heat in particular? Cheers Tim
Hi Tim, Anglesea is a nice spot! My hubby surfs, so we've holidayed there years ago. Looks like you've got your month all planned. Have you been to Europe before? This will be our first time. We'll be glad for the warmth over long as it doesn't stay over about 32 degrees we should be right!! That's why we booked mostly morning excursions. What are you both looking forward to the most?
Hi Jodie. Yes I surf too although I find as the years pass the excuses to not get in the water grow as well!! Angela and I are both retired and play a lot of golf.
We have both been to Europe a number of times but I have not been to Italy. Looking forward to seeing the classic sites of Florence and Rome. However I think I’m most looking forward to just spending time on the ship and seeing if we enjoy cruising. We have been thinking about doing a cruise for years and if we enjoy the life we may well do some more. See how it goes.
From my research I think it will be about 50% Americans and the rest British and quite a few Aussies. Should be fun.
Are you “on the land” in Gippsland? It’s definitely a lovely part of the world. Are you going anywhere else in Europe? It’s a long way to travel isn’t it? Stay in touch. Tim